UCLA PT Lecturer Normative Issues in Policy Analysis

 UCLA Department of Public Policy
Open Position: Part-time Lecturer (Non-Senate) 
Fall 2013 

UCLA’s Department of Public Policy invites applications for a part-time lecturer during Fall 2013 to teach two courses: a core course in Normative Issues in Policy Analysis for Masters in Public Policy (MPP) students, and an elective MPP seminar, broadly policy-relevant, on a subject to be negotiated. The ten-week term begins September 23, 2013 and ends December 13, 2013.
Application Requirements 

Applicants should have, or show strong evidence that they will have by the beginning of Fall quarter, a Ph.D. or equivalent qualification in political theory, philosophy, jurisprudence, public policy (with a normative focus), or a related field.
Salary will be approximately $20,000. Applicants should email a cover letter, a c.v., a statement of teaching experience, and contact details of three references by March 15, 2013 to Stacey Hirose, Department Manager at PPFacSrch@publicaffairs.ucla.edu.
The University of California, Los Angeles and the Department of Public Policy are interested in candidates who are committed to the highest standards of scholarship and professional activities, and to the development of a campus climate that supports equality and diversity. The University of California is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
The position is covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

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