UCL Colloquium in Legal and Social Philosophy: 2013

Since 1998 UCL has hosted a Colloquium in Legal and Social Philosophy which takes place during the Spring term. The Colloquium was founded by Professor Ronald Dworkin, formerly Quain Professor of Jurisprudence. It is currently chaired by Professor John Tasioulas. The Colloquium brings together expertise in legal and political philosophy from around UCL and beyond. It features leading legal, political, and moral philosophers who discuss work in progress. Speakers over the years have included philosophers whose work has had a major impact in contemporary philosophy, such as Simon Blackburn, GA Cohen, John Finnis, Rainer Forst, Samuel Freeman, Charles Fried, Frances Kamm, Christine Korsgaard, Onora O’Neill, Joseph Raz, Samuel Scheffler, Amartya Sen, Bernard Williams, and many others.

Colloquium sessions begin at 4.00 pm and continue until 7.00 pm. They are held at the UCL Faculty of Laws, Bentham House, Endsleigh Gardens, London WC1H 0EG (View a map <http://www.ucl.ac.uk/laws/location/>)

The 2013 Programme is below – papers will be made available at: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/laws/jurisprudence/index.shtml?colloquia

Wednesday 23rd January
Speaker: Prof. Charles Fried (Harvard University)
Wednesday 30th January
What’s the point of blame?
Speaker: Prof. Miranda Fricker (Sheffield University)
Wednesday 6th February
Is Dignity the foundation of Human Rights?
Speaker: Prof. Jeremy Waldron (Oxford Universty/NYU)
Wednesday 27th February
Speaker: Dr George Letsas (UCL)
Wednesday 13th March
Speaker: Prof. T. M. Scanlon (Harvard University)
Friday 26th April
Speaker: Prof. Joseph Raz (Columbia)

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