The Thinktank, Green House, will be hosting a major conference on the Future of Green Politics in London on Saturday 13 October. This will be an unique opportunity to join key thinkers and activists from across the environmental movement to discuss a new green direction for UK politics. In a day of debates and workshops we will explore the past, present and future of the movement, and discuss strategies for creating real change. Speakers include Neil Carter, Michael Jacobs, Caroline Lucas, Tamsin Omond, Sara Parkin, Andy Pearmain, Rupert Read and Roger Scruton. The conference will be from 9.30am to 5pm at the University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London. Â Further details and a draft programme are available on the front page of our website at http://www.greenhousethinktank.or
Entry fee: £10 waged / £5 unwaged. Morning refreshments will be provided. To book, visit or email Sarah Hards at