The 2019 Brian Barry Prize is now open for submissions

In partnership with Cambridge University Press and the British Journal of Political Science (BJPolS), the British Academy awards an annual prize in honour of Brian Barry, a distinguished Fellow of the Academy and founding editor of the journal.

Essays may be submitted by anyone in possession of a first degree, provided they are not employees of the British Academy or Cambridge University Press, or editors of the British Journal of Political Science.  Entries should be 8,000 to 10,000 words, with an abstract of no more than 100 words and should be submitted electronically to They should be in accordance with the journal’s style sheet available here.

The Prize, valued at £2,500 will be awarded at a ceremony at the British Academy in Autumn 2019. The winning entry will be published in the British Journal of Political Science, possibly after revisions.   Deadline: 28th February 2019.  Enquiries should be directed to

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