Rousseau and Republicanism—a day-long conference

Bryan Garsten and Karuna Mantena, the co-chairs of the Conference for the
Study of Political Thought, are pleased to announce the following CSPT

*Rousseau and Republicanism*

Columbia University

Friday, 21 September 2012

2012 marks the 300th anniversary of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s birth and the
250th anniversary of his Social Contract. Organized by David Johnston and
Nadia Urbinati of Columbia University, this conference celebrates these

The conference will focus on four themes: 1) the republican tradition in
Rousseau’s work; 2) the Social Contract as an innovation in republican
theory; 3) Rousseau’s impact on the republican tradition; and 4) Rousseau’s
impact on recent and contemporary democratic theory.

Participants include: Arash Abizadeh, Ronald Beiner, Chiara Bottici, Jean
Cohen, Turkuler Isiksel, Bryan Garsten, Marco Geuna, Lucien Jaume, David
Johnston, Rosanne Kennedy, Karuna Mantena, Helena Rosenblatt, Melissa
Schwartzberg, Anna Stilz, Jean-Fabien Spitz, Nadia Urbinati.

For more information please see the following

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