Registration Open: Critical Philosophy of Race: Here and Now, 5-6 June
Thursday 27 March 2014
Institute of Philosophy and Institute of Commonwealth Studies present
Critical Philosophy of Race: Here and Now
in association wtih UCL
Thurs 5 – Fri 6 June, 2014 (ends 2pm on Friday)
Senate House, Malet Street, WC1
Registration On-line:
Since the publication, in 1992, of Professor Kwame Anthony Appiah’s In my father’s house: Africa in the Philosophy of Culture, the new discipline of the Critical Philosophy of Race has flourished among anglophone analytic philosophers. Yet, Critical Philosophers of Race have tended to confine themselves to an analysis of racial problems that arise in the politics, and against the historical background, of anglophone North America. This parochial focus has given the false impression that the Critical Philosophy of Race is irrelevant outside of the US and Canada. For this reason, in this, the first of three annual international conferences on the Critical Philosophy of Race, we will challenge this false impression, by showcasing work that demonstrates the relevance of the Critical Philosophy of Race (a) to the British Isles. Future conferences will showcase work that demonstrates the relevance of the Critical Philosophy of Race (b) to the European Union and (c) to the wider world outside of anglophone North America. The aim of these three conferences is, successively, to globalise the Critical Philosophy of Race.
Confirmed speakers:
Dr Robert Bernasconi (Prof of Philosophy & African American Studies, Penn State)
Dr Meena Dhanda (Reader in Philosophy and Cultural Politics, Wolverhampton)
Dr Brian Klug (Philosophy, University of Oxford)
Dr Gabriella Beckles-Raymond (philosopher and educational administrator)
Dr Albert Atkin (Lecturer in Philosophy, Macquarie)
Dr Nicholas Kwesi Tsri (Postdoctoral Fellow School of Social Justice, UCD)
Dr Annabelle Lever (Associate Professor of Normative Political Theory, Geneva)
Dr Nathaniel Coleman (Fellow, ICwS & Research Associate Philosophy, UCL)
To register for the conference, please log in to this site and identify your registration category.
Fees include all tea and coffee breaks.
Early registration is srongly advised.
Registration Category | Early Bird Rate (ends 9 May) | Rate from 10 May |
Current UK Philosophy Faculty and Students & IP members | 15.00 | 20.00 |
Academic & Student (not included above) | 30.00 | 40.00 |
Standard | 50.00 | 60.00 |
Programme Organiser: Dr Nathaniel Coleman
Enquiries to and Please put “Philosophy of Race Conference Enquiry” in subject field.
Supported by the Aristotelian Society, Mind Association, Analysis Trust, UCL Department of Philosophy, UCL Joint Faculty Institute of Graduate Studies, UCL Race Equality Steering Group.
The full programme will be made available shortly. Please check back for updates.