Political Studies Association
Specialist Group: Political Thought
The Political Theory of Violence and Protest: new research agendas
Friday April 11 2014
University of Southampton, Department of Politics and International Relations
Nuffield Theatre Building
12.00 Registration and sandwich lunch.
1.00-2.00 p.m. Workshop session 1:
Vittorio Bufacchi, University College Cork : Historical violence
2.00-3.00 p.m. Workshop session 2:
Christopher Hamel, Universite Libre de Bruxelles: Republican theory of contestation and legitimacy
3.00-3.45 Keynote address:
Karuna Mantena, Yale University: tba
3.45-4.15 p.m. Tea
4.15-5.30 Workshop session 3:
Alexei Anisin, University of Essex: The Backfire Process and the Rise of the 2013 Turkish Uprisings
Lukas Slothuus, University of the Arts, London: UK student organising and protest strategies, and the organic-prefigurative dichotomy.
5.30-6.30 Workshop session 4:
Mathias Thaler, University of Edinburgh: ‘Judgepol’:Political Theory’s contribution to the interdisciplinary study of political violence.
6.30-7.00 p.m. Drinks
7.00 p.m. Close.
Organisers: Elizabeth Frazer, University of Oxford, David Owen, University of Southampton
Map: http://www.southampton.ac.uk/visitus/campuses/maps/highfield_3d_key.pdf (direct UNILINK buses from Southampton Airport Parkway Station to the campus every 15 minutes.)
Cost: £10 per person to PSA members; £25 per person to non-members
To register: email elizabeth.frazer@politics.ox.ac.uk – quote your PSA membership number.