One-day event in Bristol - Political Philosophy meets Politics - free travel for early-career scholars

A one-day political philosophy/theory event in Bristol on 30/10/2017 entitled ‘Political Philosophy meets Politics’. The idea is to get political philosophers/theorists with experience of working in politics to discuss it with an audience that includes, in large part, early-career scholars who’d like to follow in their footsteps. The event is funded by the British Academy as an engagement/training event via their ‘Rising Star’ scheme. Keynote speakers, who will be available all day, are: Philip Pettit (ANU/Princeton), Onora O’Neill (Cambridge/House of Lords); Tariq Modood (Bristol), Karma Nabulsi (Oxford), and Tony Wright (UCL).

Although experienced scholars are very welcome indeed, I would like get as many UK-based early-career political theorists here as possible, and with that in mind note that they are very likely to have their travel expenses covered, just so long as they check with me first so the numbers don’t get too out of control. So, please do send this on to any promising students, post-docs, or even first-appointment lecturers who you think might be interested in both the topic and the networking possibilities.

For more info, and to book a ticket, see the two links below:

Jonathan Floyd

Lecturer in Political Theory, SPAIS, University of Bristol
Departmental profile
Academia.Edu profile

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