The Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT) spring seminar series begins on the 31st January 2013. Each seminar takes place on a Thursday afternoon from 4pm–5.30pm in lecture theatre G7 in the Humanities Bridgeford Street building (#35 on this map: The schedule is below; all are welcome.
Date Speaker Title
31st January Joanna Firth (Oxford) ‘May the State Investigate the Moral Quality of its Citizens’ Intentions?’
7th February Brian Carey (Manchester) ‘The Demands of Demandingness’
15th February Matthew Kramer (Cambridge) ‘Morality, Torture, and Law’
21st February Holly Lawford-Smith (Sheffield) ‘A Genealogy of States’ Duties’
28th February Tim Fowler (Warwick) TBA
7th March Richard Child (Manchester) ‘Punishment and the Priority of Politics to Morality’
14th March Joe Mazor (LSE) ‘Paying for Entitlements: Rights, Duties, and the Principle of Equal Sacrifice’
21st March David Birks (Oxford) ‘Can there be a reason to have the best child without a reason to have children?’
18th April Zsuzsanna Chappell (LSE) ‘Inclusive Public Duties’
25th April Matt Matravers (York) ‘Responsibility without Blame or Responsibility without Desert?’
2nd May Garvan Walshe (Manchester) ‘Classical and Social Liberalism’