For the second edition of the International Encyclopedia for the Social and Behavioural Sciences (Oxford: Elsevier, 2015) the biography editors are looking for authors for some of the still unassigned entries.
Each bio-entry should have approximately 5000 words and contain the following: (1) the most important biographical facts (country of origin, education, professional qualifications, networks, academic achievements and awards, etc); (2) a short description of the major works and publications; (3) a discussion of the lasting impact and discussion of the work (4) a select bibliography.
The publisher pays a small symbolic sum (100 USD) to the author of each entry.
The following entries that have remained unassigned so far are:
Aron, Raymond
Amond, Gabriel A.
Beauvoir, Simone de
Barzun, Jacques
Becker, Howard S.
Bendix, Reinhard
Benhabib, Seyla
Berger, Peter
Berlin, Isaiah
Boltanski, Luc
Burkhardt, Jacob
Coleman, James Samuel
Collins, Randall
Dahl, Robert D.
Dahrendorf, Ralf
Dewey, John
Du Bois, W.E.B.
Feyerband, Paul
Freyre, Paul,
Freud, Anna
Gadamer, Hans Georg
Garfinkel, Harold
Geertz, Clifford
Hofstadter, Richard
Huntington, Samuel P.
Illich, Ivan
Jacobs, Jane
James, William
Keynes, John M.
Kinsey, Alfred
Kohlberg, Lawrence
Krugman, Paul
Lacan, Jacques
Levi-Strauss, Claude
Lipset, Seymour Martin
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Malthus, Thomas Robert
Mann, Michael
Moore, Barrington Jr
Offe, Claus
Pareto Vilfredo
Parsons, Talcott
Piaget, Jean
Putnam, Robert D
Rawls, John
Ricardo, David
Riesman, David
Robinson, Joan
Rokkan, Stein
Runciman, W.G
Sahlins, Marshall
Sandel, Michael
Sapir, Edward
Sarmiento, Fausto Domingo
Saussure, Ferdinand de
Schmitt, Carl
Skocpol, Theda
Sennett, Richard
Solow, Robert
Smithy, Adam
Spinoza, Baruch
Stiglitz, Joseph
Sumner, William
Troeltsch, Ernst
Wallerstein, Emmanuel
Wilson, William Julius
For further details related to the encyclopedia see:
For suggestions please contact the main editor of the bio section, Andreas Hess: