Dignity in Adversity - A Workshop with Seyla Benhabib, UCL, 22 March 2013

Dignity in Adversity – A Workshop with Seyla Benhabib, 22     March 2013, 9.30-6.00pm, Senate House
Woburn Suite, Malet Street, London WC1E
Seyla Benhabib is one of the leading theorists of citizenship,       democracy and rights, and the challenges and opportunities posed       to their traditional configuration within sovereign nation states       by multiculturalism and globalisation. This workshop discusses her       latest collection of essays on the topic – Dignity in         Diversity– Human Rights in Troubled Times, Polity       Press, 2011. Those interested in attending must commit to reading       the relevant chapters and playing an active part in the       discussion. Spaces are limited and attendees must register. To do       so, go to:       http://www.ucl.ac.uk/european-institute/events/s-benhabib

This workshop has been organised by UCL’s European Institute and       the Department of Political Science under the Yale-UCL partnership       programme.
10-11.00 Seyal Benhabib, `Dignity in Diversity – An Overview’

11.00-11.15 Coffee

11.15-12.15 Laura Valentini (UCL) on

`Another Universalism: On The Unity and Diversity of Human Rights’

12.15-13.15 Saladin Meckled-Garcia (UCL) on

Is There a Human Right to Democracy?

13.15-14.15 Lunch

14.15-15.15 Richard Bellamy (UCL) on

Twilight of Sovereignty or the Emergence of Cosmopolitan Norms.
Rethinking Citizenship in Volatile Times.

15.15-16.15 Cecile Laborde (UCL) on

The Return of Political Theology, The Scarf Affair in Comparative       Constitutional Perspective: Turkey, France and Germany.

16.15-16.30 tea

16.30-17.30 Andy Sabl (UCLA, Princeton) on

Claiming Rights Across Borders: International Human Rights and       Democratic Sovereignty

Seyla Benhabib is the Eugene Meyer Professor of       Political Science and Philosophy at Yale University.

She is the author of Critique, Norm and Utopia. A Study         of the Normative Foundations of Critical Theory (1986);       Situating the Self. Gender, Community and Postmodernism in         Contemporary Ethics (1992; winner of the National       Educational Association’s best book of the year award) ; together       with Drucilla Cornell, Feminism as Critique (1986);

then with, Judith Butler, Drucilla Cornell and Nancy Fraser, Feminist

Contentions: A Philosophical Exchange(1994); The

Reluctant Modernism of Hannah Arendt(1996; reissued in       2002); The Claims of Culture. Equality and Diversity in         the Global Era, (2002) and The Rights of         Others. Aliens, Citizens and Residents (2004), which       won the Ralph Bunche award of the American Political Science       Association (2205) and the North American Society for Social       Philosophy award (2004). Another Cosmopolitanism.         Hospitality, Sovereignty and Democratic Iterations,       based on Professor Benhabib’s 2004 Tanner Lectures delivered at       Berkeley, with responses by Jeremy Waldron, Bonnie Honig and Will       Kymlicka  appeared with Oxford University Press in 2006. Her       latest book is Dignity in Diversity– Human Rights in         Troubled Times, Polity Press, 2011

She has also edited 8 volumes, ranging from discussions of       communicative ethics, to democracy and difference, to identities,       allegiances and affinities, and gender, citizenship and       immigration. The latest is a volume coedited with Judith Resnik of       the Yale Law School and called, Mobility and Immobility.         Gender, Borders and Citizenship (2009).

She has been a member of the American Academy of Arts and Science       since 1995 and has held the Gauss Lectures (Princeton, 1998); the       Spinoza Chair for distinguished visitors (Amsterdam, 2001); the       John Seeley Memorial Lectures (Cambridge, 2002), the Tanner       Lectures (Berkeley, 2004) and was the Catedra Ferrater Mora       Distinguished Professor in Girona, Spain (Summer 2005). She       received an Honorary degree from the Humanistic University in       Utrecht in 2004 and the Ernest Bloch Prize in 2009.

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