2.00-3.00pm Arrival
3.00pm Susan James (University of Cambridge)
Securing Authority. Esteem in Early-modern Political Philosophy
4.15pm Tea/Coffee
4.45pm Susan Hurley (University of Warwick)
Incentives, Talent, and the Roles of Responsibility in Justice
6.00pm Reception at the Master’s Lodge
7.00pm Dinner
8.15pm New Labour, New Politics:
Anne Phillips (London Guildhall):
Which Inequalities Matter?
Raymond Plant (St. Catherines, Oxford):
Is there a Third Way?
8.00-9.00am Breakfast
9.00am Julia Stapleton (University of Durham)
Political Thought and Public Values in Inter-war Britain
10.15am Tea/Coffee
10.30am Philippe van Parijs (Université Catholique de Louvain)
The Disenfranchisement of the Elderly, and other Attempts to secure Intergenerational Justice
11.45am AGM, followed by:
Homage to Alan Milne and A Brief History of the Conference of Political Thought (1971-1999) by Iain Hampsher-Monk (University of Exeter)
1.00pm Lunch
3.00pm Steven Lukes (Università di Siena and NYU)
Is Universalism Ethnocentric?
4.15pm Tea/Coffee
4.30pm Round-Table Discussion of Martin Hollis’s Trust within Reason
Chaired by Quentin Skinner , and with the participation of: Frank Hahn, Keith Dowding, Keith Graham, Tim O’Hagan and Steven Lukes.
6.00pm CUP Reception
7.00pm Dinner
8.15pm Ronald Dworkin (NYU Law School)
The Demands on Legal and Political Philosophy at the End of the Century
8.00-9.00am Breakfast
9.15am Diana Coole (Queen Mary and Westfield College, London)
The Politics of Gendered Space: Mapping for a Postmodern Age
10.30am Tea/Coffee
11.00am The Two Faces of Political Thought:
Hillel Steiner (University of Manchester) and Quentin Skinner (University of Cambridge) (followed by discussion)
Cécile Laborde (King’s College, London) and Simon Thompson (University of West England) have kindly agreed to act as Reserve Speakers.