CFP Political Theory. MPSA Deadline October 5.

CALL FOR PAPERS. 71st MPSA Political Science Conference, April 11-14, 2013. October 5th Proposal Deadline.

Please forward this email to colleagues or graduate students who may be interested in presenting at the 71st Annual MPSA Conference. There are more research papers presented here than any other political science conference and many opportunities to network with colleagues. The MPSA Conference has sections that examine the interaction of political science and other disciplines, including political philosophy. You do not need to be a member to submit a proposal or present a paper, but you do need to have an account:

The MPSA also publishes one of the top journals in the discipline, the American Journal of Political Science.  The Editor of the AJPS is Rick Wilson (Rice University) and you can see the author guidelines and view an issue that looks at research funded by the National Science Foundation here:


Founded in 1939, the MPSA is located at 101 W. Kirkwood Avenue, Suite 207, Bloomington, IN.

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