CFP: Cambridge University Press Graduate Student's Prize

2016 Cambridge University Press Graduate Student’s Prize

The Association for Political Thought invites graduate students registered for a doctoral degree at any university in the UK or the Republic of Ireland, engaged in research in any area of the fields of political thought and theory, to submit a paper which will form the basis for presentation at the Political Thought Conference 2016, to be held in Oxford (January 7-9, 2016). The academic convenors for the conference (Leigh Jenco, LSE and Phil Parvin, Loughborough) will select one paper to be included in the conference programme. The winning candidate will be given free conference registration, accommodation, meals and travel expenses.

Papers, in Word format, should be about 5000 words in length, not including full citations and bibliography. A separate cover sheet should include author¹s name and contact details, the estimated term of submission of your doctoral thesis, the name and contact details of your supervisor, the title of the paper, and an abstract. Please ensure that your name and/or institutional affiliation do not appear on the essay.

Deadline for submission of papers: 30th July, 2015. Papers should be submitted by email to:

The decision on the winning paper will be made by 15th September, 2015. The judges’ decision will be final.

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