YORK CENTRE FOR POLITICAL THEORY (Department of Politics, University of York)

Are you a political theorist with a manuscript close to completion? Our book manuscript workshop might be useful to you.  The workshop provides a supportive environment in which to discuss manuscripts close to completion but still open to revision.

In terms of format, this is a one-day event, in which expert reviewers, from within and outside York, are invited to discuss specific chapters of the book manuscript with its author.

Interested authors should email the York Centre for Political Theory with an expression of interest. Please get in touch through The deadline for submission of expressions of interest is the 28th of February 2020.

In attachment to your email, please include:

– A short CV (no more than 2 pages)

– One page with the book’s title, a brief summary of its argument, the chapter structure of the manuscript and the titles of the chapters proposed for discussion

– Suggestions as to potential discussants (both from within and outside York)

The workshop is to take place September 2020.

For more information about the workshop and the York Centre for Political Theory:

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